We are very excited to announce our new prayer flag line. Hand crafted with love at our blue fish shop in Taos, NM. The process begins with up-cycling fabrics we find in thrift stores, closets and anywhere we can find fabric treasures. We use everything from well loved, retired, Levi’s to curtains that are ready for re-purposing. Each flag has an original block printed blue fish patch sewn on to it. One of a kind sensation! We are enjoying the process of each and every flag…knowing that they are adorning our customer’s special living space.

We start the process by tearing the fabric to give it a natural look.

Then we fray the ends of each side to add a whimsical touch.

We sew on an original block printed patch to each flag.

Ribbons are tied on to create a festive feeling.

Each little flag is carefully arranged.

This one is all finished!

The Love flag in process.

A finished flag.

An example of our Valentine’s Day Prayer flag.
As an extra treat, blue fish will be offering…. LOVE prayer flags for a limited time only. These beautiful, one of a kind treasures are sure to please all your loved ones.