Our new line of tees has super fun prints! We checked in on the studio to see how the beautiful new Studio Tees are printed. Watch as our artist Maddie creates a gorgeous floral design! Each piece printed at Blue Fish is a one-of-a-kind creation! We work hard to create beautiful art works for each of our customers.

The back block is sprayed with water before paint is applied. The neon colored paint is particularly thick.

Paint is carefully applied and built up on the block. For a colorful background of the painting.

Blocks are pressed firmly and evenly by hand.

The back block is printed. Ta da!

The top block is painted in swirls of neon paint…quickly.

Hand painting is brushed on to create highlights and make the colors pop.

The floral block is painted in very dark grey purple.

Maddie starts hand painting in colors and highlights.

A work of art!

The finished tee ready to be heat pressed.
To see our Topsy Turvy Tees click here. Or to watch a video of our printers printing click here.