Cynthia and Elmo
One Fish Two fish Red Fish Blue Fish. How many times did I read this story to my nephew when he was a little boy? Dr. Seuss was his favorite author and this book always was his first choice for our read aloud. What a story! Fun, clever, so familiar – comfortable. Did Andrew know his aunt would be lucky enough to find clothing whose name and attributes were similar to this happy book’s title?
It has been nearly 20 years since I bought my first piece of Blue Fish. How did I first learn about Blue Fish? I wish I remembered! Was it when I saw Jennifer Barclay on Oprah? Or in People Magazine? I’m not sure But I believe I owned my long printed violet coat dress with the rich red wooden buttons by then.
Andrew- that special Dr. Seuss loving nephew – graduated from New York University. My family spent two days in the city celebrating. I wore Blue Fish to dinners for walks in Times Square, and to his Baccalaureate ceremony. My clothes were as unique, comfortable, beautiful, and appropriate for every situation. They received compliments at Radio City Hall, a Turkish restaurant – even Elmo admired my four squares in Times Square!
Blue Fish is more than clothing – it is a feeling, and experience, a habit of mind. For those people who have yet to wear Blue Fish – Don’t postpone joy! Start with a single piece, blend it with other favorite clothing, and don’t look back. Clothing should be interesting, comfortable, and fun. If should feel good and make you feel good in return. Dr. Seuss, again, says it best:
Oh me! Oh my!
Oh me! Oh my!
If you never did
you should.
These things are fun
and fun is good.