Dulcena in Blue Fish
My Blue Fish story starts with a day at the mall in the 1990’s. I’m wandering from store to store looking for something different than what everyone else was wearing. I walked by this hemp shop that sold all organic products. The manager was standing at the front of the store wearing flowing natural colored silks with interesting angles and funky prints. I had to go in and ask what she was wearing. She replies. “Oh, it’s BLUE FISH CLOTHING”! Then she showed me the few racks that she had. I must have one of garments I said to myself! But that wasn’t the best part. I think we chatted for a good hour about everything under the stars. Although I did not make a purchase that day, I headed home with a Blue Fish Catalog full of whimsical ideas and a new friend. I called Blue Fish few days later and took the plunge and ordered my first piece of clothing. I remember sitting on the phone for a good amount of time talking about styles and colors and what goes with what. The gal on the other end of the phone was so pleasant and we talked liked we had known each other for ages. I awaited the package to come, and from that day on I was hooked on Blue Fish!
Through the years I have met the most beautiful, creative, intelligent women all with the same love as me, for Blue Fish. What makes it so special to me isn’t just the clothes. When you walk down the street 90% of the time I get stopped and have someone ask me what I’m wearing. We would start chatting on and on while I usually got eye rolling from my husband. I have formed bonds with the people that wear Blue Fish that have lasted YEARS. If I had not discovered Blue Fish Clothing that day, I would not have that amazing friends in my life that I do now.
For me, my clothing hold memories and experiences that will stay with me for the rest of my life.
Thank you Blue Fish!