So you all may be wondering how the photoshoot here at Blue Fish in Frenchtown went last night…well it was totally fantastic! Everyone looked so beautiful (and handsome) in all of the clothing! Each model wore four outfits, making that sixteen in total. We had three women and one man in, as well as a photographer. We had originally planned on photographing outside, however it ended up raining all day and all night here in New Jersey. So, just how you would handle any curveball thrown at you in life, we had to improvise. Lucky for us, the architecture and design in our store is absolutely gorgeous. We are blessed with stone and wooden walls. So, we took all of the clothing off of the racks, and photographed the models using our building’s natural aesthetic as a back drop. In my opinion, the pictures could not have come out better. I will attach four of them to this blog so you can see exactly what I mean and enjoy them for yourself!